High School And College Coaching Changes – A Virtual Turnstile

coaching changes high schools and colleges Coaching Changes…High School Coaches and College Coaches change every day. The coaching changes are a never ending merry-go-round of new personnel. Here at Sports Data Group, we process approximately 12,000 coaching changes per month.

If you are a company or supplier that does business with the athletic departments at the High School or College level, then you had better take care to be sure that your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) database is current and is updated often. We can provide that service at SDG. We offer a complete updating package that consists of four quarterly updates per year for either college, high school or both.

We list over 160,000 high school coaches and athletic personnel including Athletic Directors, Trainers, Strength & Conditioning Coaches, Band Directors and the coaches of the vast majority of sports. We can customize lists to almost any specification.

Given the vast number of high schools and colleges in the United States, it is a virtual impossibility to provide “real time” information regarding the coaches and athletic department changes. If any company promises you a 100% accuracy rate…think again. It cannot be done. In the time it took to write this blog there have probably been 100 coaching changes in both colleges and high schools. It is a virtual turnstile of coaching changes.

We know the many reasons for college coaching changes. Coaches are fired due to poor win records and then there are those that retire. In high school, it is even a much more transient situation. In most cases these coaches are also teachers and teachers relocate or find a better position elsewhere and they too retire or just get tired of coaching.

So…the bottom line is that it is necessary for your company’s survival to keep your customer database updated and as current as possible. It will never be perfect but the more current the contacts the more business you will bring into your company.

Feel free to contact us in order to learn more or to obtain a free data sample or quote. Sports Data Group is here to serve you.

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