Sports Coaches Lists – A Bit Of History

Sports Coaches I know what it is like to represent a great product but have very few very few sales leads. I was directly involved in sales and sales management for over 45 years. I can remember my very first direct sales job was selling stainless steel cookware on a party referral plan. I was 17 years old and we would offer to cook a complete dinner for a minimum of 6 and maximum of 12 people if the hosts would allow us to present our cookware. Amazingly it worked! However, it was mainly referral business. There were definitely some dry spells. Oh…and there were no cell phones, no emails, no texts and no computers. So the only way to contact prospects was either by direct mail or by telephone solicitation. It was pure grunt work!

With the advent of modern technology, the communication problems are solved. Email marketing has never been bigger. The problem of WHO to contact remains, however. I can remember purchasing a so-called “A” list of sports coaches prospects back when I was selling strength and conditioning equipment. My products included all types of machines to work specific muscles, free weight systems, cardio equipment and other miscellaneous things you find in a college fitness center or a commercial gym. Well, that list was a bust because it did not include current emails and in many cases had not been updated in years. I think everyone in sales has experienced cold calling someone from a list that either no longer works there or is deceased. Wow, talk about embarrassing. That is one reason I decided to start SDG Sports Data Group. I wanted to offer lists of sports coaches and other athletic department personnel that was as accurate as possible and included updated email addresses. Now no list of this magnitude is perfect. It just is not humanly possible to keep up with “real-time” changes. However, SDG does everything we can to offer quality lists at a fair price.

If you would like a free, no charge sample of the sports coach or sports coaches you are interested in contacting…please contact us at You will be glad you did. Take a 10% discount when you use the free sample button to get your quote

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