Updating your CRM is Critical to Your Sales Success

First, let’s start with the basics. CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. It is a very intelligent acronym. Why? Simple…because without customers we go broke. Without a good way to manage our customer list and to define details…we go broke faster.

So it is absolutely critical that the CRM database you are working with is fresh and that it is updated constantly. Not just every few years but every few weeks or months. It’s not the customer, or potential customer, that is responsible for letting you know about changes such as telephone area codes, physical address or mailing address relocations and personnel changes. Your sales and marketing staff must always be updating and refreshing your data if you want to be on the leading edge of your industry.

If you do not have the personnel or the time to refresh and update your high school coach database, college coaches database, and golf course database, let a professional company such as SDG, Sports Data Group, do it for you. We can help you keep your Customer Relations Managed.

Contact us if your customer/sales lead database is outdated or just non-existent. We will help.

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